No Matter Where You Are

I’ve been sitting in front of a monitor for a long time. Fortunately or unfortunately, computer became a part of my professional and personal life. No doubt, the world is a better place with a help of the Internet. However, my body has been designed in an old-fashioned way. It wants to walk, to jump, and to play. It wants to move! It has happened that most of the time I’m glued to the seat of my armchair at work and I’m forced to continue that habit at home, too. As a result, one day I found myself far from a tip-top condition. I was not overweight, I was underweight. I resembled a skeleton, which wasn’t great at all. Finally, looking at myself in the mirror, I swore to God to join the ranks of the fittest men in the world.

When I emerged myself into exercising, I thought I would die in an instant. I simply couldn’t last long. Even simplest exercises were like a torture. I stuck and didn’t know what to do. I knew I should continue, yet at the same time I was frightened to death. To find an excuse was easy. “So much to do, so much to see” as a verse in one song goes.

Time went by and I became more and more courageous. I started to read special literature on the subject. Very interesting information has been discovered by me.

It all starts with simple stuff. Go from the subway station to your home by foot, not by bus. Use stairs instead the elevator. Eat fruit instead ice cream. Call your friend and talk to him while walking around the block in the evening in replace of typing to each other via social networks. Everything matters! Dumbbells and strenuous exercises are just a tip of the iceberg. You may be astounded or even offended when you learn the importance of sleeping enough and how sleep deprivation can kill all your chances of success.

Psychology also is one essential ingredient. Without a strong “WHY?” there won’t be tangible results.

So, what is my point here? Now I truly believe that it doesn’t matter where you are. What matters most is where you are going. The moment you decide to quit being less than you are able to be eventually will transform your life and body. Some folks say that you have to go to a gym and train yourself to the ultimate exertion. I truly believe they are wrong. That’s why people remain the same. They create artificial boundaries on their way to success. They play “double or nothing” game, i.e. become a fitness fanatic or stay the same. My idea is quite different. It’s good if you have an opportunity to join a gym class with all those modern facilities and a nice handsome couch on your side. Suppose you’ve missed the chance for any reason: you have not enough money or you have not enough time to visit a fitness center (its location is very remote from you). You still can perform some push-ups even at your workplace. That’s the secret. Start with something small and gradually build it and seek opportunities. So weak for five push-ups? Do four of them. Cannot do four, do three, or even one. Do you eat two gallons of ice cream every single day? Reduce that amount to one and a half gallons. Do you spend too much time in a social network? Forget about it for a day. Forget it for an hour, for 20 minutes.

There will be various setbacks on your way. Disappointments, hot work days, personal problems. The world will tear you apart. There will be times when you can lose the interest to life at all. Be strong and continue persisting… No matter what!

James Magnussen

P.S. On this photo is an Australian swimmer James Magnussen.