
I was browsing the Internet and, all of a sudden, I recalled my first web site I had built. It had been a long time ago.

The idea crossed up my mind. It was simple: to design my own personal web page and to play with the modern tools of site constructing. As I was (and I am) an IT specialist it was very interesting not only to read theory, but also implement the acquired knowledge.

The irony was that without content there was nothing to build. First of all, I had to have some text, pictures, sounds or videos. Only then I could create a web page. Frankly speaking, I had had my personal web site. It had become a derelict. It had been started… yet not had been finished.

Finally, I decided to start everything anew. Having deleted the previous version of demidovich.net, I created what you can see at the moment.

Sometimes people ask me, why am I doing all this? Well, it commenced with a mere wish. If I have my own domain name, why not to fully utilize it? To play games on the local host isn’t interesting. It’s not sufficient just to create a web page, it has to be adjusted properly. On the local machine everything may work fine. Funny things happen when the web site is uploaded on the server. From my computer it looks great, but from my friend’s computer it may look like a mess… Only then comes a realization of server’s hostility.

Oddly enough, I has always liked to write. Therefore, I combined two interesting things in one: writing a kind of a journal and testing up-to-date technologies. I assure you that this creation is not for public, yet anyone can visit it.

Once I saw a picture with a saying that went like this: “98% of the dreams people have, they can accomplish by the end of this week. Unfortunately, they make these dreams their life dreams.”

So, what’s the purpose of this site? To immerse myself into a completely new experience, to make fun out of it, to create something new, to fulfill one of my dreams, to go an extra mile. …I don’t know… Who cares? It hasn’t to be magnificent. The Internet is full of personal home pages, hosted on free public services, made by ordinary people. Why shouldn’t I have my personal home page too? So be it!
